How To Rate Your Skill Level
Scroll through our delicious line up of skills ratings to match the best Donut to your skills. *Hint* The list is ordered from Newbie to Pro.

Donut Holes
Trail Rating
You can comfortably ride a bike on pavement, bike paths, packed dirt and gravel but have never tried mountain biking before. The trails are a new experience for you.
Skills & Techniques
You can comfortably ride a bike, although you have never mountain biked before. You need to learn everything there is to know about trail riding, including how your bike works.
You're comfortable with up to 45 min of pedalling on reasonably flat terrain at a leisurely pace with lots of breaks.
Types of Trails You Might Ride
Double track, access trails
Suggested Experience
School of Dirt, Groundwork MTB Fundamentals, MTB Foundations 101, 102, 103, Package of 3 > 2 Hour Lessons
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Trail Rating
You can comfortably ride most types of double track and have begun exploring green (beginner) singletrack but find yourself challenged and intimidated or walking most of the features and obstacles.
Skills & Techniques
Your bike is set up the same as how it was initially given to you or how it was when you purchased it.
While coasting, you can stand up on your bike, but you're not very comfortable or balanced and don't always stand up.
While pedalling, you always stay seated over bumps and on hills. You primarily rely on your back brake to slow down and stop you.
Shifting is problematic, and you find yourself in the wrong gear when you get to climbs (spinning too fast or too slow).
Looking ahead at the trail hasn't occurred to you. You're stuck looking a lot at the front wheel or near it, which makes it challenging to navigate through corners and over any minor obstacles.
The smallest roots and rocks can be overwhelming to get over.
You're comfortable with up to 60 min of pedalling on rolling terrain at a moderate pace, with less frequent breaks.
Types of Trails You Might Ride
Poison Ivy, Swoop D Doo, The Pines, Luce Link, Missing Link, Burnt Toast, Baby Butter, Boo Trail, The Flats
Suggested Experience
School of Dirt, Groundwork MTB Fundamentals, MTB Foundations 101, 102, 103, Package of 3 > 2 Hour Lessons

Chocolate Dipped
Trail Rating
You can comfortably ride all types of double track, most green (beginner) singletrack and have begun exploring blue (intermediate) singletrack but find yourself challenged and intimidated or walking most of the features and obstacles.
Skills & Techniques
Your bike is set up the same as how it was initially given to you or how it was when you purchased it.
While coasting, you stand up a bit more often and feel a little more confident and balanced on your bike.
While pedalling, you've noticed you occasionally stand up over bumps and on hills.
You still primarily rely on your back brake to slow down and stop you but have started thinking about what the front brake is there for. You may be attempting to use it, and it's still terrifying or has sent you crashing over the handlebars.
You are starting to anticipate your gear selection better for the terrain but sometimes find yourself stuck in the wrong gear. You are starting to try and pick a "line" through sections of the trails and corners, but you don't consistently execute what you planned.
You're comfortable rolling over some easier technical features such as roots and small rocks, but not quite sure what you're doing and just hope the bike gets over them.
You're comfortable with 60 min of pedalling on rolling terrain at a moderate pace with minimal breaks.
Types of Trails You Might Ride
The Pines, Luce Link, Missing Link, Burnt Toast, Baby Butter, Logs Over Easy, Boo Trail, The Flats, Beaver Flats
Suggested Experience
School of Dirt, Groundwork MTB Fundamentals, Minii MTB Skills Clinics (Wheel Lifts 101, Cornering 101, Drops 101), Package of 3 > 2 Hour Lessons
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Vanilla Sprinkles
Trail Rating
You are confidently riding all types of double track and green (beginner) single track. You’re starting to ride most blue (intermediate) singletrack comfortably but find yourself challenged and intimidated or walking most of the features and obstacles.
Skills & Techniques
You are comfortably standing up while coasting on your bike and may occasionally adjust your body position depending on the terrain. While pedalling, you often hover over your seat when it's bumpy.
You are comfortable using your front brake to slow down and stop you, but still a little unsure about it when it gets steep.
Gear selection is appropriate to the terrain, although sometimes you find you may be spinning a little too fast or slow depending on the terrain.
You can look ahead often enough and can select a "line" through more challenging sections of the trails. You give more thought about riding through technical sections and over obstacles and try to be smooth.
You can lift your front and rear wheels separately off the ground, but it requires a lot of thought. Sometimes you miss time lifting or timing either wheel over an obstacle.
You can climb and descend under control on moderately steep singletrack, are comfortable and confident rolling over small obstacles and tiny drops, and can handle some loose terrain and sand.
You're comfortable with up to 75 minutes of pedalling on rolling terrain at a moderate pace with minimal breaks.
Types of Trails You Might Ride
Logs Over Easy, Big Butter, Superfly, Sliders, Zipline, Butternuts, Beaver Flats, Bunny Run, Crothers Woods
Suggested Experience
School of Tech, Level Up Workshop Series, Minii MTB Skills Clinics (Wheel Lifts 101, Cornering 101, Drops 101), Package of 3 > 2 Hour Lessons

Boston Cream
Trail Rating
You are confidently riding all types of double track, green (beginner) and blue (intermediate) single track and have begun exploring the black (advanced) singletrack but find yourself challenged and intimidated or walking most of the features and obstacles.
Skills & Techniques
You can comfortably stand up anytime while coasting on your bike and often adjust your body position according to the terrain. While pedalling, you almost always hover over your seat when it's bumpy.
You are fairly confidently using your front brake to slow down and stop you. Gear selection is appropriate to the terrain, and you rarely find yourself spinning a little too fast or slow.
You're always looking ahead and can select a "line" through more challenging sections of the trails. Sometimes you get caught off guard if you're blindly riding into a section. You're constantly thinking about riding through technical sections and over obstacles and trying to be smooth.
You can easily lift your front and rear wheels off the ground. You've started trying to get over bigger obstacles and attempting various wheel lift techniques, such as bunnyhops, but you still need a lot of practice.
You can climb and descend under control on moderately steep singletrack, are comfortable and confident rolling over small obstacles and small drops and confidently handle various terrain roots, rocks, mud, and sand.
You're comfortable with up to 90 minutes of pedalling on rolling terrain at a moderate pace with minimal breaks.
Types of Trails You Might Ride
Superfly, Sliders, Bio-Pace, Cattlelogs, Mr. Mayhem, Beaver Flats, Crothers Woods, The Ridge
Suggested Experience
School of Tech, Level Up Workshop Series, Minii MTB Skills Clinics (Wheel Lifts 201, Cornering 201, Drops 101 & 201, Jumps 201, Technical MTB Skills 201/301), Package of 3 > 2 Hour Lessons
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Maple Bacon
Trail Rating
You are confidently riding all types of double track, green (beginner), blue (intermediate), and black (advanced) singletrack. Within those trail ratings, you can ride all types of terrain and are looking to refine skills and techniques to improve speed, style and performance. You rarely walk your bike but get stumped by the odd feature or obstacle. You have begun exploring the double blacks (expert) singletrack but find yourself challenged and intimidated or walking most features and obstacles.
Skills & Techniques
You have a solid foundation on your bike and can effortlessly execute all the fundamental skills from the previous skill levels.
You're confidence is growing to take on all types of terrain from steep hilly single track to high-speed downhill, including sections with exposure and large natural/manmade features. You're always up for and love a good challenge.
You're working on trying to keep your speed and momentum through technical sections and work to "float" over obstacles and smoothen out your riding.
You might have tried some small jumps (up to 5') and drops (up to 3'), but feel like you're mostly just getting lucky when you clear them and would like to understand the technique behind them more.
You're comfortable with 120 min of pedalling on advanced and technical hilly terrain at a moderate pace, with minimal short breaks.
Types of Trails You Might Ride
Skin & Bones, Bio-Pace, Granite Planet, Double Cross, Climax, Trash Panda, Woods Gundy
Suggested Experience
School of Shred, Level Up Workshop Series, Minii MTB Skills Clinics (Wheel Lifts 301, Cornering 301, Drops 201, Jumps 201 & 301, Technical MTB Skills 201/301), Package of 3 > 2 Hour Lessons

Strong Intermediate
Trail Rating
You are confidently riding all types of double track, green (beginner), blue (intermediate) single track, plus most black (advanced) singletrack, but find yourself challenged and intimidated or walking the odd features or obstacle.
Skills & Techniques
You have a strong foundation on your bike and can effortlessly execute all of the fundamental skills from the previous skill levels.
You stand up anytime while coasting on your bike and adjust your body position according to the terrain. While pedalling, you always hover over your seat when it's bumpy.
You are confident in using your front brake to slow down and stop you and have begun experimenting with selective braking for different types of terrain and speed.
At speed and on challenging trails, you're always looking ahead and, most of the time, select a reasonably smooth and direct "line." Sometimes you get caught off guard if you're blindly riding into a section. You're very focused when and execute your "line" when riding through technical sections and over obstacles and being smooth.
You can easily lift your front and rear wheels off the ground and are riding over bigger obstacles. You’re getting more consistent with various wheel lift techniques, such as bunnyhops, but you still need practice.
You have become a pretty strong and capable rider with a decent amount of experience on a mountain bike. You can climb and descend under control on steep singletrack, are comfortable and confident rolling over medium-sized obstacles and down small drops (up to 12"), and handle various terrain roots, rocks, mud, and sand with no issue.
You're comfortable with up to 120 min of pedalling on advanced and technical hilly terrain at a moderate pace, with minimal short breaks.
Types of Trails You Might Ride
Bio-Pace, Granite Planet, Cattlelogs, Trash Panda, Party Atmosphere, Fiveplay
Suggested Experience
School of Shred, Level Up Workshop Series, Minii MTB Skills Clinics (Wheel Lifts 301, Cornering 301, Drops 201, Jumps 201 & 301, Technical MTB Skills 201/301), Package of 3 > 2 Hour Lessons

Trail Rating
You can handle the most technical terrain imaginable in Ontario.
Skills & Techniques
You have a rock-solid foundation on your bike and can effortlessly execute all the fundamental skills from the previous skill levels.
You confidently take on all types of terrain from steep hilly single track to high-speed downhill, including sections with exposure and large natural/manmade features.
You're always up for and love a good challenge, but you have to work to find obstacles or trails that challenge you.
You love to play on your bike and have begun practicing advanced maneuvers such as wheelies, manuals, stoppies and nose pivots.
You are eager to hit the mark with larger jumps and drops and working on creating 'finesse' and style in your riding.
You want to ride faster, be more stylish and more discerning in line selection to improve efficiency.
You're comfortable with big rides (120 min +) on steep and challenging terrain, significant elevation gains/losses with little to no breaks at a strenuous pace.
Types of Trails You Might Ride
You name it, you shred it!
Suggested Experience
Which Donut Are you?